
The Soul-Science of Business With Trevor G. Blake

Brad Costanzo recently interviewed me for his podcast Bacon-Wrapped Business. We had a fantastic conversation about life, business and magic.Bacon-Wrapped Business is a podcast with sizzling hot business advice guaranteed to make you fat… PROFITS! Brad shares his insights and invites other world-class business minds to share their best bacon-wrapped business strategies.We discussed some of these topics:

  • Blitzscale Wizardry: how to only work 5 hours a day with no employees & live a life you love.
  • The foundations of practical magic: how to think big & make real magic.
  • How to take back control of your individuality.
  • Rapid, intuitive decision-making to grow your company.
  • How the public library saved me from bullies.
  • How I started my first business at age 40.
  • How I’ve used an Alliance & Hub model to avoid hiring any employees as I scaled my businesses.

If you enjoyed the interview, please do me a favor and leave a comment to let me know what part made the biggest impact on you.Cheers,Trev

PS. Discover How Science + Magic…Can Radically Improve your Results in Life and Business

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